Storm Water Management Plan
Queen Ka`ahumanu Elementary School has a storm water management plan that is available for review at the front office. It is part of the federal government's effort to keep our streams and oceans clean and eliminate pollution discharge.
01a1 Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System _MS4_ Program _DOE_.pdf (114.41 KB)
01a2 About the City and County of Honolulu Storm Drain System _CC_.pdf (665.78 KB)
01a3 Protecting Water Quality from Urban Runoff _EPA_.pdf (1.28 MB)
04a1 Car Washing Guidelines _CC_.pdf (684.39 KB)
04a2 Only Rain In The Drain _Maze_.pdf (593.48 KB)
04a3 Storm Water Cross Word Puzzle.pdf (201.05 KB)
04a4 Home and Garden.pdf (722.07 KB)
04a5 Auto Maintenance.pdf (737.45 KB)