Meal Deposit (Paper or Online)
Meal Pre-payments
Please complete the attached meal deposit form. Return form and payment to the school office.
Every student must make pre-payments for his/her meals in the office. NO CASH will be accepted from any student in the cafeteria during meal service.
Checks can be made payable to "Ka‘ahumanu Elementary School". There is a $25.00 service charge for all returned checks.
If a child does not have funds in their account, a Negative Report will be sent home that day. In accordance with State policy, any student who has reached the maximum loan amount, must bring a home lunch. Low Balance Reports (less that $5.00 remaining in the account) will be sent home every day.
At the end of the school year, any student leaving our school will receive a refund, if any, of his/her balance. Grades Pre-K - 4 student balances will carryover to the next school year.
Meals: Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast is served from 7:10 am - 7:45 am
Breakfast Price - Effective July 29, 2015
Regular $1.10
Reduced $.30
Lunch is served at
10:45-11:15 Gr. K-1
11:30-12:00 Gr. 2-3
12:10-12:40 Gr. 4-5
Lunch Price – Effective July 29, 2015
Regular $2.50
Reduced $.40
Milk (half pint) is included with all school meals.
Extra milk $.60