Title I
Queen Ka‘ahumanu Elementary School is a Title I school. It receives federal monies because the school's percentage of students receiving free and reduced lunch is higher than approximately 47.2% (state determined). The school's Title I program is school-wide which means that the school can use the Title I funds to help all students at the school. If you have any questions about Title I program, please see the Title I Coordinator.
24-25 Teacher Qualifications Letter.pdf
24-25 ESSA Hawaii Qualified Teacher Letters
BOE Policy 101-14 Family and Community Engagement-Partnership.pdf
BOE Policy 101-14 Family and Community Engagement / Partnership
24-25 FINAL Family Engagement Policy.pdf
24-25 QKS Family Engagement Policy
24-25 FINAL QKS Family-Student-School Compact.pdf
24-25 QKS Family-Student-School Compact
24-25 Open House Title 1 Program Meeting.pdf
24-25 Title I Meeting / Open House